What We Can Do for Providers

Do you have patients who are not able to understand self-care guidelines or are not able to monitor and track symptoms, side effects, and medication intake?

Do you have a patient who has complex physical, mental, and social health issues?

Do you have a newly diagnosed Dementia patient with other chronic conditions and medications?

Do you have a caregiver overwhelmed with their care recipient's multiple chronic conditions, behavioral issues, and medications?

We can Help You


Comprehensive data analytics for individual patients

We collect data on various factors using very specialized data probes, which would ask patients the kind of questions asked by a physician during a clinic visit. We collate all this data which includes data on medication intake, data from over 50 trackers that include symptom progress, diet, alcohol, smoking, sleep, stress, exercise, physical, mental and social abilities and provide a comprehensive report on each individual patient and factors that are impacting health outcomes. We use state of the art data analytics such as prediction modeling, machine learning and AI.

Patient education & engagement training

We use patient's objective and subjective data as well as quantitative and qualitative data to help patients make sense of their health conditions, treatments and medications. We provide training to better engage with their providers e.g. ask more questions to clinicians. If you have patients who need to keep track of symptoms and do daily monitoring, we can help patients with that.

Analysis of patient SDOH needs and referral

We collect important data over a period of 2-3 weeks and analyze them to pin point the needs of each individual patient. We will also continue the data collection to evaluate whether the resources provided for the patient met the Social Determinants Of Health (SDOH) needs of the patient.


We have an excellent team of researchers with expertise in medicine (both generalists and specialists), nursing, nutrition, gerontology, applied psychometrics, geriatrics, communication, psychology, social and behavioral sciences, pharmacy, dentistry, data analytics, machine learning and AI. Our published papers are available at our website. Our researchers are esteemed scholars and scientists from R1 institutions across the country. All our studies and data use are compliant with Institutional Review Board (IRB) regulations and we get our study protocols approved by our IRB. All the data we collect are stored in HIPAA compliant cloud.

Social, emotional and healing support

We offer various features in our apps and platforms such as breathing tools, dance tutorials, music, games, yoga and health tips for healing. Most importantly, we offer different modes of online interactions for social & emotional support for the patient and caregiver.

For Dementia patients with other chronic conditions

Dementia patients with other chronic conditions are increasing and it is becoming a major caregiver burden, to help with self-care activities, remember medications and help the dementia patients with the treatment of all these conditions. As dementia progresses, it becomes even more difficult to understand what is going on. This would require a careful analysis of a comprehensive set of data. We offer analysis of dementia patient's unmet needs by analysis of patients data entry in our tools. We train dementia patients and caregivers to track, monitor, keep notes on a daily basis. We also provide online social support for peer to peer support for both patients and caregivers.

For caregivers of aging with MCC including dementia

Helping and supporting caregivers is one of our main missions. There are tools specifically for caregivers and we measure caregiver outcomes such as stress reduction and quality of life as outcomes. Our support is geared towards caregivers of older adults with multiple chronic conditions, including dementia, which is the most challenging of all.