
Do you struggle with understanding healthcare provider's instructions about self-care?

Do you have complex physical, mental and social health needs, that doesn't make sense to you?

Do you feel not listened to and struggle with communicating with your physician?

Are you a newly diagnosed Dementia patient with other chronic conditions and medications?

Do you and/or your caregiver feel overwhelmed with all the symptoms, medications, self-care guidelines and find it difficult to keeping track of everything?

We can Help You


Helping you make sense of your data

There is too much health data and information that gets bombarded on to you, especially after a new diagnosis -treatment protocols, medical jargons, self-care guidelines and medication information. As a patient, you are supposed to understand them and make decisions and choices. We help you understand your own health data and information using state of the art data analytics such as prediction modeling, machine learning and AI.

Evidence-based and proven tools

We have an excellent team of researchers with expertise in medicine (both generalists and specialists), nursing, nutrition, gerontology, applied psychometrics, geriatrics, communication, psychology, social and behavioral sciences, pharmacy, dentistry, data analytics, machine learning and AI. Our published papers are available on our website. All our tools and activities are guided by research.

Help you 'keep an eye on things' and communicate with your physician better

We help you ‘keep an eye on’ various health issues, symptoms, and treatment/medication side effects. We help you track and monitor various symptoms systematically, exactly the way your healthcare providers would want you to, when they say - ‘keep an eye on it’. We use your own data to figure out what may be good for you. e.g., figure out if the new medication is causing all the new symptoms or whether it is the new diagnosis. We help you take it to the provider and ask more questions about medications and treatments.

Private & Secure

We have an excellent team of researchers with expertise in medicine (both generalists and specialists), nursing, nutrition, gerontology, applied psychometrics, geriatrics, communication, psychology, social and behavioral sciences, pharmacy, dentistry, data analytics, machine learning and AI. Our published papers are available at our website. Our researchers are esteemed scholars and scientists from R1 institutions across the country. All our studies and data use are compliant with Institutional Review Board (IRB) regulations and we get our study protocols approved by our IRB. All the data we collect are stored in HIPAA compliant cloud.

Caregiver support

We help your caregivers in providing you with the support and navigate the healthcare system. We also provide support for caregivers of dementia patients

Social, emotional and healing support

We offer various features in our apps and platforms such as breathing tools, dance tutorials, music, games, yoga and health tips for healing. Most importantly, we offer different modes of online interactions for social & emotional support for the patient and caregiver.